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Inspection Tags

Explore our extensive selection of inspection tags, offering solutions suitable for various applications. Our tags are specifically designed to identify valves, drains, gas cylinder tanks, flanges, shackles, scaffolding, and other essential equipment or machinery. Whether you're in need of a reliable tagging solution to comply with inspection regimes or enhance personnel safety, our inspection tags are the perfect choice.

At REGALTAGS, we understand that each business has unique requirements for equipment inspections. That's why our inspection tags are fully customisable to meet the specific needs of your industry and equipment. With a focus on durability, our tags are built to withstand extreme conditions, ensuring long-lasting performance and reliability.

Inspection Tag FAQs

Inspection Tag Buying Guide

Whether it's a routine check or a post-repair inspection, our diverse range of inspection tags ensures a clear, visual indication of equipment status. This visual cue is essential for your workers to notify whether the equipment is safe for use, preventing potential accidents and saving time otherwise spent on determining the status.

Understanding the diverse requirements of different workplaces, our inspection tags are tailored to specific needs such as scaffolding, ladder, lifting equipment, gas cylinders, and more. Each tag can be customised to suit your requirements and are equipped with easily readable text conveying their purpose, providing a quick and clear understanding of the inspection requirements.


Inspection tags are designed for tracking inspection activities, providing equipment users with security, and reducing the risk of serious injuries caused by equipment failure. Inspection tags should contain the following information:

  • A description of the equipment or part, including the make and model number, if applicable.
  • Space for listing the inspections performed along with the date each inspection was performed.
  • Any hazard or warning communications that are relevant
  • The type of inspection record.


At REGALTAGS®, our inspection tags range is fully customisable to meet the specific needs of your industry and equipment. With a focus on durability, our tags are built to withstand extreme conditions, ensuring long-lasting performance and reliability. We can cater for the following inspection tag requirements:

  • Lifting inspection tags
  • Scaffolding tags
  • Ladder inspection tags
  • Gas cylinder tags
  • Harness tags
  • Hand-arm vibration tags
  • Portable Appliance Testing (PAT) Tags
  • Hire tags
  • ATEX/ EX Inspection tags

For more information, speak to an expert about your inspection tag requirements today.,