To save or share your tag design, please sign in to your RegalTags account.

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To save or share your tag design, please create a RegalTags account.

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Experience you can rely on

Why choose REGALTAGS for your waterproof tags?

  1. Durability Assurance - UV protected, freeze-resistant and weather proof materials. Reliable in the harshest environments worldwide.
  2. Tagging Experts - A library of 12,000+ tagging systems, experienced advisors and in-house manufacturing ensures a reliable and speedy service.
  3. Environmentally Sustainable - A Zero-to-Landfill and ISO 14001 accredited company. We only use 100% recyclable tag materials.

Contact the experts

Whether you have a custom tag in mind or need help deciding what's best, we can help with all your waterproof tagging needs.

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Some of our waterproof tagging systems


Quality is always perfect. I've not had one complaint in the 5 years I've been using Regal Tags. The service we receive has always been first class.

Electrical Superintendent at Valaris Limited

Custom Tag Builder

Design your custom waterproof tag today

Use the REGAL TAGS Custom Tag Builder to create your very own waterproof tag and use the built-in share function to send it our way. Our in-house design team will help finalise your concept and get it ready to be made!

custom tag builder

News & Resources

Waterproof Tags FAQ